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2024-2025 School year

Dear Parents and Guardians, 

It is with great excitement and anticipation that our dedicated team is working tirelessly to make sure we are ready to welcome everyone in the fall. We can't wait to see the incredible achievements and memorable experiences that your children will have at IRSC. 

We've had a few questions about staggered entries for the school year. We will be opening the doors to all students for the first day of classes on September 3. 

Leading up to that, we will have two days in August for students to tour the new school, have their photo taken for their school ID, and have a chance to find their locker. 

We do not have the dates in August finalized yet so please keep an eye on your email and our website/social media for when we release those dates. 

As always, if you have any questions, please reach out to Mr. Coles:

Warm regards,

The IRSC Team. 

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